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by http://www.quintessenz.at/

No Surveillance Union in Europe!

Fellow Europeans,

The Council of European Ministers of Justice and Interior has suspended the fatal ENFOPOL surveillance plans till autumn 99.

Their argument: "A public discussion is necessary."

You can start this discussion now, if you identify and contact the representatives of your country who voted in favour of a European Surveillance Union.

Here is the list comprising the 161 Members of EU-Parlament [of 626] who were present on May 7 when ENFOPOL was discussed.

154 of them voted YES. Only six voted NO.

Their e-mail and other personal data can be found easily in the European Parliament database. http://www.europarl.eu.int/members/en/default.htm

If you set up your own national campaign page please inform Tom k@quintessenz.at

ENFOPOL NewsGerman Version Debatte | Was ist ENFOPOL