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Date: 2001-06-17

SI: Netter Polizeistaat nebenan

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Dass sich der nette, unauffällige Nachbar im Südosten zeitweise in
einen Polizeistaat verwandelt, wer hätte das gedacht?

post/scrypt: Drazen P. ist einer derer von B92 Belgrad.
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Drazen Pantic <> Subject:


To Dr. Janez Drnovsek Prime Minister Government of the Republic
of Slovenia

Sir, your government has transformed Slovenia into police state on
the occasion of the Bush-Putin meetin g in Ljubljana:

- you denied to Amnesty International the permission to put up an
information stand; - you refused to the ecological NGO Umanoterra
the permission to hold a protest manifestation; - your police is
harrassing activists distributing protest leaflets to by-passers; -
persons have been summoned to "informational examination"; -
your police has been scanning registration plates of the vehicles at
Metelkova, the alternative c ultural center in Ljubljana; - your
services are monitoring the electronic mail of several NGOs and
individuals; - your services are monitoring telephones of several
individuals; - your border police has refused the entry into the
country to several foreign citizens.

You are certainly aware that the duty of a democratic government
is to secure freedoms and libertie s to their citizens, and human
rights to everybody. I appeal to you to honour this committment on
J une 16, the day of the meeting, as well as on every day of your


Rastko Mocnik

Spread this message! If you want to sign, please send the
signature of your solidarity to:



Spostovani, ob srecanju Bush-Putin je vasa vlada Slovenijo
spremenila v policijsko drzavo:

- Amnesty International niste izdali dovoljenja, da bi postavili
informacijsko stojnico; - nevladni organizaciji Umanoterra niste
izdali dovoljenja za protestno manifestacijo; - policija nadleguje
aktiviste, ki delijo protestne letake mimoidocim; - posameznike so
pozvali k "informacijskim pogovorom"; - policija popisuje registrske
tablice vozil na Metelkovi v Ljubljani; - vase sluzbe nadzorujejo
elektronsko posto nekaterim nevladnim organizacijam in
posameznikom; - vase sluzbe nadzorujejo telefonske pogovore
nekaterim posameznikom; - obmejna policija je na meji zavrnila vec
tujih drzavljanov.

Prav gotovo veste, da je dolznost demokraticne vlade, da zagotavlja
svobodo in svoboscine svojim dr zavljankam in drzavljanom,
vsakomur pa clovekove pravice. Pozivam vas, da spostujete to
castno obve zo na dan srecanja 16. junija kakor tudi vse preostale
dni svojega mandata.

S spostovanjem,

Rastko Mocnik

Prosimo, da razsirjate to sporocilo. Ce se zelite z njim
solidarizirati, posljite svoj podpis na na slov:


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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-06-17
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