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Date: 1999-11-11

Yahoo: Beihilfe zur Zensur

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Jemand postet auf den Message-Boards von Yahoo eine Message
über eine Firma, die das als geschäftsschädigend erachtet. Die
Firma wendet sich mit einem sogenannten "Subpoena" [in etwa:
einstweilige Verfügung] an Yahoo und verlangt die Herausgabe aller
User-Daten, die vorliegen.
Yahoo kommt dem Ersuchen nach, unterläßt es aber, den verfolgten
User darüber zu informieren.
Ceterum censeunt EPIC et al: Yahoo unterstützt Firmen partiell
dabei, Kritiker einzuschüchtern, Kritik abzuwürgen und damit das
Rechtssystem zu mißbrauchen.

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This scenario is being played out more often than most Internet users
realize. Companies enraged by criticism are filing lawsuits against "John
Doe" and then serving the service provider with a subpoena for the
identity of anonymous posters. Like other service providers, Yahoo will
release identifying information in the face of a subpoena. But unlike its
rivals, Yahoo doesn't notify the member whose identity is being revealed,
so the member can't fight the subpoena in court. Attorneys from the
Electronic Privacy Information Center agree with other First Amendment
lawyers that Yahoo is partly responsible for allowing companies to
intimidate and silence their critics and abuse the judicial system.

"Yahoo has made, it appears, a decision at the very highest level that
they're not going to fight any of these subpoenas or even insist that they
comply with the law," says Megan Gray, an attorney in Los Angeles.
"There are probably hundreds of these lawsuits and only a few get
One of the members who posted some of the messages says he will sue
Yahoo, possibly as part of a class-action suit, if the company reveals any
information about him without his permission. The member, who asked not
to be identified except by his user name of Expertone 2000, has offered to
sign a waiver allowing Yahoo to release information about him – but only if
Fruit of the Loom provides a written affidavit stating that it believes what
he posted was false. "Yahoo's Jeff Mallett [the company's president] has
given corporate America a green light to conduct a giant Internet witch
hunt," Expertone 2000 wrote in an e-mail to the Standard.
A Yahoo spokesman defends the company's practices. "We comply with
validly issued subpoenas and we don't always provide all the information
requested," says Jon Sobel, associate general counsel at Yahoo. He
acknowledges that Yahoo generally doesn't try to notify users of a
subpoena, but says, "it's something we are looking at doing, if possible."
While Yahoo fears legal action, few companies follow through with
threatened lawsuits. For instance, Raytheon (RTNB) recently sued 21 John
Does who posted on Yahoo; but once the company learned their identities,
it dropped the lawsuit. It turned out that some of the posters worked for
the company; four of them were let go after their names came to light. Other
companies that have filed lawsuits against Yahoo and served subpoenas
include Breed Technologies, an airbag manufacturer; Xircom (XIRC) ;
Universal Food; and Kimberly-Clark (KMB) .

full story,1449,7564,00.html

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-11-11
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