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Date: 2001-09-15

Aufruf zum Verbot von Krypto

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Hier kommt der nächste nützliche Idiot [quoting Lenin], der die
Botschaft der aber/milliarden/schweren HiTech Versager aus Fort
Meade [Maryland], Langley [Virginia] und anderswo unter die
Leute bringt: Krypto weltweit verbieten.

Was mit Messern und Flugzeugen geschehen soll, wird nicht

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The horror of Tuesday's coordinated attacks on the commercial and
military centers of America has prompted the U.S. Congress to call
for a global ban on "uncrackable" encryption products.


Gregg is now proposing that U.S. government officials have access
to decryption tools when the case is deemed to be a matter of
national security. He said that the developers of encryption
products "have as much at risk as we have at risk as a nation, and
they should understand that as a matter of citizenship, they have
an obligation" to produce government decryption products. In order
to safeguard the privacy of innocent citizens, the interception of
encrypted communications would only take place with "court


But security experts fear that measures such as RIPA could lead
to a dangerous reliance on the gathering of electronic intelligence.
"I wonder how far additional bits of technology are going to help--
there has been too much reliance on people having magic boxes,
and sitting back in London or wherever, being able to voice their
predictions of what might happen. Many old-fashioned intelligence
agencies such as M16 are going to complain about resource cuts,
and claim that they now need more people on the streets," said
Peter Sommer, encryption expert based at the London School of

Full Text,6061,2812463-2,00.html

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-09-15
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