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Date: 2006-10-03

EPA/Patent auf Videogame

Im EU-Parlament geht grade ein muffiger Geruch um, es stinkt nach einem faulen Kompromiss am Mittwoch in einer Woche. Des Europäische Patentamt hat wieder einmal einer Software-Lösung ein Patent zuerkannt, das Novum: es ist ein Videospiel.
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post/scrypt: Weil sich ein Leser zwar nicht über die q/Nachrichten selbst, wohl aber über die Quellenauswahl beschwert hat, so sagen wirs ganz frei heraus. Wir hättens selber gerne wesentlich bunter und häufiger. Das Problem ist bloß, dass atrox und harkank halt nur zwei Personen sind, die eine Menge Anderes zu tun haben. Wir schaffens grad einmal, das Notwendigste an Nachrichten zu relayen und da nimmt ein jeder eben die Nachrichten, welche ihm grad am Nächsten sind.

Wer von der p.t. Leserschaft bereit ist, ein beliebiges Pseudonym auszufassen, zwei bis drei mal pro Woche Nachrichten zu kommentieren die/der melde sich doch einfach bei harkank [at] Wir nehmen jede/n, der/die mit ein paar *geraden* Sätzen sagen kann, was Sache ist. Was ungefähr on topic ist, entnehme man der Topics/list.
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the maker of a video game that improves player control has been granted a patent despite the European Patent Convention stating that "methods for playing games" are excluded from patentability.

Game developer Konami applied for a patent for a system which identifies which player in a football game has the ball and in what direction the nearest player is to whom he can pass the ball. The game identifies the player and direction with a graphical mark which follows the player below his feet.

That application was denied by the European Patent Office's (EPO) examining division. The company appealed to the Technical Board of Appeal which has now granted the patent.

The original application was denied because the examining division ruled that only one part of the new system was actually a technical issue and that there existed previous examples of it, known as prior art.


"Eligibility for patent protection has not been called into question by the Examining Division," says the technical board's ruling. "The guide display device according to claim 1 indeed represents a physical entity in particular comprising displaying means which have a technical character by their nature. The displaying steps of the independent method claim imply the use of displaying means which provides a technical character to the method."

The ruling says that it follows the landmark Hitachi judgment of 2004 which defined what could be included for patent consideration under Article 52 broadly. Following the precedent set by that ruling, the EPO will allow a patent claim to be made as long as it involves technical means.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2006-10-03
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